All of these Camp Opemikon badges and pins are for sale on my website with all proceeds going back to Opemikon. (Pin sales go to the Ope Crew, badges to the Camp)

All of these Camp Opemikon badges and pins are for sale on my website with all proceeds going back to Opemikon. (Pin sales go to the Ope Crew, badges to the Camp)
Baloo is going camping with his family from Aug 28 – Sept 1. Any orders received during that time will be fulfilled upon return.
It’s been a while since we have had a contest. Since today is June 1st, and we are one month away from Canada Day, why not a Canada themed prize pack (Includes a 36″ x 60″ Canadian Flag, assortment of badges, stickers, and temporary tattoos, valued at over $40.00). How do you enter? Easy, all orders placed (and paid for) between now and June 18th will gain you a ballot into the draw. Not only that, for every $20.00 you spend, you will gain an additional entry into the draw. But wait, there’s more! If you have placed an order in the past week you will also be entered into the contest.
Badge House Embroidery has approached Baloos Badge Bin and requested help in coordinating sales of their Ukraine humanitarian aid badge.
Profits will be donated to World Scout Foundation donation portal.
I am going to do this a little different that normal. Instead of setting a price per badge. I am going to leave it up to you to decide how much you would like to donate, with a suggested range of $4.00 – $6.00 per badge.
Payment can be made via e-transfer, Paypal, or Credit Card.
After placing your order, you will be contacted by email within a couple days to confirm your order and I will provide further payment instructions.
Preorder period will run until Tuesday March 15th.
The badge is 8cm in diameter
I am so pleased with all the support and encouragement I have received from everyone over the past year.
This project has enabled me to support several fundraising initiatives such as the Haliburton Heritage Series, Noah’s Autism Awareness Badge, and of course Bethay’s Badges.
To celebrate the annivesary I have just added a bunch of new fun badges for a low price of only $2.00 each! Go to and check them out. For the rest of this month all orders over $20.00 will also receive a free Baloo’s Badge Bin Badge too!
Bethany is 11 years old and one day she drew a picture and gave it to her father.
Her father took one look at her artwork and thought “This would make a great badge!” He asked Bethany what she thought of that. If they sold the badges, she would get some of the money. Bethany thought about it and asked if she can donate her money to charity. Her father was beaming with pride and told her that she could donate all the money to charity.
“What charity would you like to donate the money to?” Her charity of choice is The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto. Bethany is familiar with that hospital. In 2019 Bethany underwent surgery at SickKids to remove a brain tumor. Today Bethany is doing great and preparing for the transition from elementary school to middle school.
Baloo’s Badge Bin could not be any prouder to offer these badges for sale to help Bethany raise money for SickKids. My name is Joe Vautour, aka Baloo, and you see Bethany is my daughter. Thank you for your generous support.
We have both a daytime and a nightime version available for sale. The price is $6.00 each.
Baloo’s Badge Bin is proud to offer this Autism Awareness Raise the Flag crest. This is an initiative by Noah Shuman from 14th Willowdale who is working on his Chief Scout Award. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this badge go to Noah, who will be donating the money raised to Scouts Canada’s No One Left Behind Program.
Shipping is available to Canada and the USA. If you require international shipping you are encouraged to contact us to inquire of additional shipping costs before placing your order.
Crests will ship to you separately from other items purchased starting in early April.
2020 was the final year of operation for any Service Areas still functioning within the Scouts Canada Councils. Baloo’s Badge Bin is proud to offer the official commemorative crests issues by two Areas from Voyageur Council.
Did you know Baloo’s Badge Bin can help you with your own custom badge order? I recently made some Mental Health First Aid Canada Badges for a client. If you have taken a mental health first aid course and want to get a badge for your uniform contact Dave Walker from 137th Springbank Hill Scout Group at If you want help having a badge a made contact me.
Baloo’s Badge Bin now has a Facebook Page. Please Like and Follow to stay informed of announcements of new products and sales. While you are at it why not pick up a Facebook-esque Scout Sign badge. Now of sale for the rest of the month, 33% off.