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Camping is Life – Bethany’s Badge

Bethany is 11 years old and one day she drew a picture and gave it to her father.

Her father took one look at her artwork and thought “This would make a great badge!” He asked Bethany what she thought of that. If they sold the badges, she would get some of the money. Bethany thought about it and asked if she can donate her money to charity. Her father was beaming with pride and told her that she could donate all the money to charity.

“What charity would you like to donate the money to?” Her charity of choice is The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto. Bethany is familiar with that hospital. In 2019 Bethany underwent surgery at SickKids to remove a brain tumor. Today Bethany is doing great and preparing for the transition from elementary school to middle school.

Baloo’s Badge Bin could not be any prouder to offer these badges for sale to help Bethany raise money for SickKids. My name is Joe Vautour, aka Baloo, and you see Bethany is my daughter. Thank you for your generous support.

We have both a daytime and a nightime version available for sale. The price is $6.00 each.

6 thoughts on “Camping is Life – Bethany’s Badge

  1. How do I purchase?

    1. Hi Mark. Thabnk you for wanting to purchase Bethany’s badge to support Bethany in her mission to raise money for SickKids. You can go add the items to your shopping cary and proceed to checkout. At that time you will have the options to either pay via PayPal or to send an e-transfer. If you have any issues please send an email to

  2. so happy Bethany is doing well. Thanks be to God.
    I would like to donate $20.00
    How is the best way to do this?

    1. Thank you so much. You can send an e-transfer to and in the comments write “donation”. Thank You!

  3. Congratulations to Bethany on the beautiful crests. I will definitely be buying some.

    We are a brain tumour family associated with SickKids (and now Princess Margaret/Toronto Western) as well as a Scouting family. My daughter was diagnosed 24 years ago at age 4 and despite many challenges and a couple recurrences, she is still living life.

    Best of luck with your project.

    1. Thank you for sharing and your support.

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